Post Show Report. Elektro 2016 International Exhibition
The 25th edition of the Elektro International Exhibition for Electrical Equipment, Lighting Engineering and Building Automation ran at Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia, on 6-9 June 2016.
The show is organized by Expocentre AO with support of the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Science-Driven Technologies, and under auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
This year the Organizing Committee is headed by First Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Science-Driven Technologies Vladimir Kononov. According to Mr. Kononov, Elektro has become a symbol of the latest developments and accomplishments in the electric industry. It became a gateway to thousands of new ideas, technologies and projects. Today, in the new economic environment, it is rightfully considered to be the best trade show of the electric industry.
Elektro bears labels of UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, and RUEF, the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, which confirms its international professional recognition.
Elektro 2016 occupied 15 thousand sq m for 4 days to showcase all segments and trends of the electric industry. It brought together manufacturers, distributors and consumers of electrical products. General product sectors were Electrical Equipment; Electric Power Engineering; Cables, Wires, Fittings; Energy Saving and Innovations; Lighting Engineering; and Building Automation.
Elektro 2016 welcomed 300 exhibitors from 19 countries. China, Germany and Spain had national pavilions.
Elektro welcomed many major international exhibitors such as Hubers, Isovolta, Ilme, RPS, Klemsan, Onka, VonRoll, Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller, EAE, WAGO, and others. Russia was represented by 200 companies including IEK, Kaskad-Energoset, KLM Group, Korenevo Plant of Low Voltage Equipment, KEAZ, MEL, TDM Electric, New Engineering Solutions, RZKK, Sverdlovsk Works of Current Transformers, and many others. Altogether, 150 Russian exhibitors were equipment manufacturers.
Expocentre focuses on promotion of Russian developments on the home market. The 2nd special exposition “Made in Russia” was devoted to Russian small and medium sized enterprises.
The Expocentre for Counterfeit-Free Exhibitions project was carried out at Elektro 2016. The project is aimed to reduce the number of counterfeit products displayed at exhibitions and unauthorized copying of new developments.
More than 11 thousand people attended the show.
The key associated event was the First Industry Championship ‘WorldSkills Russia’ in the Electric Installation Work category for young specialists. There were representatives of 11 companies participating. The event was organized by IEK Group, a partner of the WorldSkills Union and one of Russia’s largest producers of electrical engineering equipment. RusCable.Ru, the leading web outlet for the electrical industry, was the championship’s media partner .
The championship is a part of the WorldSkills competitions and a preliminary round of the WorldSkills Hi-Tech national championship which will ran in Yekaterinburg on October 30 – November 3, 2016.
One of the most important events was the Russian Congress “Electric Installation 2016: From High Standards to Professional Competencies”. It was organized by WorldSkills Russia and Prioritet Agency of Business Communications, assisted by Expocentre AO. It brought together professionals of the electrical engineering market, leading manufacturers of electrical products and consumers from different industries, electrical engineering companies, infrastructure organizations, professionals associations, colleges, and authorities.
Other events included
Conference on Electrical Equipment for the Military Industrial Complex: Specifics of Working Under Conditions of Modernization,
14th International Conference on Renewable and Small-Power Energy,
4th Russian Business Forum ‘Electrical Engineering. Business Strategy 2016-2017’,
Forum on Safety and Quality Control of Lighting Equipment.
The show featured an award ceremony for the winners in the Elektroreklama 2016 competition for the best advertising in the electrical industry.
The event program also featured conventions, conferences, forums, seminars, round tables, presentations, and workshops on the most relevant issues of the electric industry.
The next edition of Elektro will be co-located with the Neftegaz International Exhibition at Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, on 17-20 April 2017.