Press Release Elektro 2017
26th International Exhibition for Electrical Equipment, Lighting Engineering and Building Automation
This year Elektro 2017 is co-located with a major event in the fuel and energy sector, the 17 edition of the Neftegaz International Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies for the Oil and Gas Industry. Such a format will allow to ensure networking between manufacturers of oil and gas and electrical equipment, improve the level and size of business meetings, and increase the number of professional visitors.
Dates: 17-20 April 2017
Venue: Pavilions No.7 (Halls 3, 4, 5), 8, Forum and open air sites of Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow
Organized by Expocentre AO
Supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade
Auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Sponsor of navigation: Ruselprom Russian Electrotechnical Concern
Partner of Elektro 2017: Schneider Electric
Logos: UFI, RUEF
Exhibition area: 22,500 sq m
Exhibitors: 275 companies
Expected attendance: over 11,000 professional visitors
Countries: 17 (Austria, Belarus, China (including Taiwanese companies), Czechia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA)
Country pavilions: China, Spain
Types of products on display: electrical equipment, electric power engineering, energy saving and innovations, lighting engineering, cables, wires and fittings, building automation
Participating companies:
Foreign companies: Chint Electric, Dupont, EAE, Eaton, Haewa, Ilme, Isovolta, Klemsan, Ortea, Phoenix Contact, Raytitek Hi-Tech Film Company, Shenzhen Hopewind Electric, Wago Contact, Weidmuller, and others
Russian companies: 3M, Avangard, Bavlensky Electromechanical Plant, Invertor, Factory, Plant of Electrotechnical Equipment “ZETO”, KLM Group, Korenevsky Plant of Low-Voltage Equipment, Mig Elektro, Novye Inzhenernye Resheniya (New Engineering Solutions), Nucon Energy, RTC-Electro-M, Ryazan Plant of Cable Structures, Sverdlovsk Works of Current Transformers, Ural Transformer Factory, Uralelektromed, Cheboksary Electric Apparatus Plant, Ezois, EKF Electrotechnica, EKRA, and many others
Show Highlights
Made in Russia exposition
Innovation Salon “Lighting Engineering”
Expocentre for Counterfeit-Free Exhibitions aimed at minimizing counterfeit products showcased at exhibitions
Conference on Power Industry of the Future: a New Take on Technologies Changing the World
Round table on Smart Power Industry: Smart Technologies and Innovations: Russian Prospects and International Practices
2nd Industry Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) in the Electric Installation Work category
5th Russian Business Forum on Electrical Engineering. Business Strategy 2017-2018
14th International Conference on Renewable and Small-Power Energy 2017. Energy Efficiency. Autonomous Systems of Electricity Supply of Mobile Objects and On-Site Facilities
Russian Congress on Electric Installation 2017: Innovative Development Technologies
Conference on Energy Supply and Electrical Equipment of Hazardous Production Facilities
Innovation Summit 2017 organized by Schneider Electric
Electroreklama 2017 Advertising Competition, etc.
The exhibition opening hours are from 10.00 to 18.00; on the 20th of April from 10.00 to 16.00.
Expocentre Press Service
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