Post Show Report Elektro 2017
26th International Exhibition for Electrical Equipment, Lighting Engineering and Building Automation
Elektro is the most significant event in electrical engineering in Russia and neighbouring countries. This year Elektro was co-located with Russia’s major oil and gas show Neftegaz 2017. It definitely expanded the opportunities of cross-sectoral dialogue. Associated events of both trade shows generated new solutions for the industry development. Elektro 2017 demonstrated all segments and development trends in the industry and brought together power engineers, manufacturers and consumers of electrical and cable products.
Dates: 17-20 April 2017
Venue: Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow
Organized by Expocentre AO
Supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade
Auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Sponsor of navigation: Ruselprom Russian Electrotechnical Concern
Partner of Elektro 2017 and Neftegaz 2017: Schneider Electric
Logos: UFI, RUEF
Exhibition area: about 20,000 sq m
Exhibitors: 308 companies
Visitors: 10,345 professional visitors
Countries: 23 (Australia, Austria, Belarus, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK, and the USA)
International pavilions: China organized and supported by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), Spain supported by the Spanish Association of Electrical Equipment Manufacturers (AFME)
Types of products on display: electrical equipment, electric power engineering, energy saving and innovations, lighting engineering, cables, wires and fittings, building automation
Participating companies:
Foreign companies: Chint Electric, Dupont, EAE, Eaton, Haewa, Ilme, Isovolta, Klemsan, Ortea, Phoenix Contact, Raytitek Hi-Tech Film Company, Shenzhen Hopewind Electric, Wago Contact, Weidmuller, and others
Russian companies (ab. 200): Avangard, Bavlensky Electromechanical Plant, Invertor Factory, Plant of Electrotechnical Equipment “ZETO”, KLM Group, Korenevsky Plant of Low-Voltage Equipment, Mig Elektro, Novye Inzhenernye Resheniya (New Engineering Solutions), Nucon Energy, RTC-Electro-M, Ryazan Plant of Cable Structures, Sverdlovsk Works of Current Transformers, Ural Transformer Factory, Uralelektromed, Cheboksary Electric Apparatus Plant, Ezois, EKF Electrotechnica, EKRA, and many others
Show Highlights
Made in Russia exposition supported developers of electrical products and promoted their innovative ideas
Innovation Salon “Lighting Engineering. Russian manufacturers showcased their best products which would be sought-after for municipal economy and for enterprises of different sectors.
Technology and Innovation Zone (TrySkills platform) participants showcased visitors innovative equipment, technology and materials applied in electrical works
Associated Events
Conference on Power Industry of the Future: a New Take on Technologies Changing the World. The discussions were devoted to importance of conventional energy sources, innovations and technologies; potential country leaders and key countries in the energy industry; factors influencing the energy industry including nations, consumers, major companies, etc.; lawmaking and its influence on innovative development of the industry. The conference participants were industry experts, representatives of well-known energy companies, CEOs of organizations directly influencing the development of the Energy Strategy of Russia and its legislative control.
Round table on SMART Technology in the Oil and Gas Industry: Practical Aspects of Technology Transfer. Demands of Import Independence and Security
2nd Industry Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) in the Electric Installation Work category. Everyone could support his/her participant in the competition and enjoy skills of construction electricians of Russian leading companies.
5th Russian Business Forum on Electrical Engineering. Business Strategy 2017-2018. The Forum was attended by 318 delegates from 32 cities of Russia and other countries, which were manufacturers and suppliers of electrical products, CEOs and managers of companies engaged in construction and engineering. The speakers were leading experts in electrical engineering, public procurements, recruiting, sales and online promotion of companies and well-known businessmen.
14th International Conference on Renewable and Small-Power Energy 2017. Energy Efficiency. Autonomous Systems of Electricity Supply of Mobile Objects and On-Site Facilities. The conference participants were reputable experts and heads of research centres. They discussed the issues concerning renewable sources of energy and methods of their efficient use; geothermal energy; innovative solutions in small hydropower; reliable power supply using RES; development of solar power in Russia and worldwide, etc.
Russian Congress on Electric Installation 2017: Innovative Development Technologies. The participants discussed the issues on creation and development of high tech industrial enterprises conforming to the world standards; new approaches to electric installation at industrial enterprises, urban infrastructure (housing and public utilities), electrical networks, and special facilities; criteria for quality evaluation of electric installation, staff training, labour protection.
Conference on Energy Supply and Electrical Equipment of Hazardous Production Facilities. The attendees considered the issues devoted to reliability of operation of cable lines, transformer stations, electrical switches, switchgears and electrical equipment at industrial enterprises and production facilities of the oil and gas sector. Representatives of Russian major oil and gas companies shared their best practices in ensuring reliable electrical supply of oil and gas production facilities and discussed the problems of following electrical safety instructions by contracting organizations. They touched on the problems of diagnostics and monitoring of technical condition of electrical equipment aimed to reduce the number of accidents and ensure industrial security. The participants in the conference were about 100 CEOs and specialists in energy departments of oil and gas companies, oil refineries and petrochemical plants, energy services of subsidiaries, engineers and technicians engaged in design and maintenance of electrical equipment for the oil and gas industry as well as specialists in R&D and design institutes, equipment manufacturers and engineering companies.
Innovation Summit 2017 organized by Schneider Electric featured reports, seminars and round tables connected with all aspects of corporation business from retail IT and electrical products to automation systems, smart homes, the Internet of Things, data centres, etc. A large part of Schneider Electric products was put on display separately or as turn-key solutions at many stands.
Participant Feedback
“Elektro is a major exhibition in Europe, which is regarded as the best trade show in Russia and rightfully considered a living history of Russian electrical and lighting engineering. The trade show successfully demonstrates key trends in the development of the global electric power industry and electrical engineering, the latest technology and equipment. It greatly contributes to implementation of national programs and investment projects.”
Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia
“The Elektro exhibition provides a deep insight into development priorities of the electric power industry and electrical engineering, equips professionals with the latest technologies, and puts on display the most advanced equipment.”
Vyacheslav Kravchenko, Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia
“The Elektro international exhibition greatly contributes to the development of the electric power industry and electrical engineering, strengthens positions of industry enterprises, and aims them at the output of high quality products conforming to the world standards.”
Dmitry Kurochkin, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian
Today, power generation technologies of the future alter our ideas about the traditional energy system bringing the smart energy to the forefront. To support the industry’s competitive ability, it is important not only to keep track of the latest trends and keep up with their introduction, but also anticipate them.”
Pavel Zavalny, Chairman, Russian State Duma Committee on Energy
“Holding the championship in the Electric Installation Work category according to the WorldSkills standards for the second year in a row at the Elektro exhibition testifies to the fact that the competition becomes a tradition and develops its potential. The championship attracts attention of a growing number of participants and experts and strengthens its position as an effective tool to increase the prestige of blue-collar occupations, harmonization of best practices, and occupational standards for one of the most important sectors of the Russian economy that is production of electrical technology.”
Robert Urazov, General Director, WorldSkills Russia
The next 27th edition of Elektro is to run from April 16 through 19, 2018 at Expocentre Fairgrounds along with the Neftegaz international exhibition.
Elektro in social networks (Russian only)
Expocentre Press Service